Contemporary indoor-outdoor villa with pool overlooking spectacular sunsets
The contemporary, fully renovated 4-bed, 4.5-bath villa nearly encompasses the entire 1300sq m lot. Minimal and neutral design reveals the main agenda: entertainment and relaxation in nature. The built-in swimming pool and BBQ/lounging areas encompass the interior living space, creating a seamless transition between the outside and inside. Here, outdoor serenity meets indoor comforts easily. The commanding Caribbean Sea views enchant family and friends, especially at sunset time. A carport provides space for parking two vehicles in the cul-de-sac location.
Minimal design including white walls, clean angles, prominent ceilings, high-quality finishes, recessed lighting, and light grey tiling throughout create a serene atmosphere. There is a continuity from the outside in, with an abundance of natural light. Two columns punctuate both “walls” where sleek, recessed security screens rise to reveal the exciting outdoor spaces beyond.
Starting at the back and working towards the sea, the spaces flow seamlessly. A dramatic, natural cliff provides the backdrop for the outdoor BBQ and entertainment/lounge area. Central, roofless, and completely open to the elements, yet intimate in feel. Two sliding glass doors on either side provide access to two bedrooms. Both have inverter air conditioning and access to the outside wrap-around walkway through a second set of sliding glass doors. Each room has an en-suite containing a toilet, vanity, and walk-in shower.
Inside the heart of the symmetrically designed villa, lies the central kitchen, dining, and living area. A fully integrated kitchen, including modern appliances like a dishwasher, oven, and refrigerator, occupies the left half. The island, comfortably fitting four stools, also includes a cook top and sink on opposite ends. A convenient half bath is nestled behind the kitchen. The TV and lounge complete the other half of the central space.
Two identical bedrooms with en-suites are located on the front side of the villa on either side. Both incorporate modern comforts like inverter air conditioning and doorless en-suites with a walk-in shower, vanity, and toilet. The sea-facing, sliding glass doors in both bedrooms lead out to the covered terrace overlooking the Caribbean Ocean.
Just a few steps down from the villa’s full-width terrace is the pool area. The in-ground swimming pool is surrounded by a patio – plenty of area for sun loungers to take in the expansive sea views.
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